Listen Live
Liberation Radio will be broadcasting the 2023 Commentary Live via their online channel!
You don’t need a radio to listen to the commentary of the air display. Here are the simple ways to tune in:
- If you’re out and about watching the display you can listen on the free Liberation Radio app. To install it scan the QR code on this page or search ‘Liberation Radio’ in the app store. Once it’s installed just select the ‘Classics’ channel.
- If you’re listening from home or another venue with wifi you can use a computer – just go to and click on ‘Classics’.
- On an Alexa smart speaker: say “Alexa enable the Liberation Radio app”. Once that is done say “Alexa open Liberation Radio” and ask for ‘Classics’ when prompted.
- On a Google smart speaker, or other device with Google Assistant say “Hey Google, play Liberation Radio Classics”.
- On a Smart TV you can use radio apps like MyTuner, TuneIn or VTuner. Just open the app on your TV and search for ‘Liberation Radio Classics’.
Alternatively, scan the below QR code with your mobile device to download the app:

Visit How To Listen – Liberation Radio to tune in!